Friday, August 17, 2012

Ready Reader-pants

Okay, so I haven’t been watching much TV lately. (SHOCKER) But what I have been doing is reading. I have found that I might have somewhat of a problem on my hands. I have always been a reader. As a kid I would read anything I could get my hands on, and now as an adult, I’ve not lost most of that. Now, as a parent of a toddler who requires ALL of my attention, I don’t get to read as much as I would like to, but I seem to fit it in on lunch breaks, while drying my hair, and after Munchkin’s bedtime.

So, lets start w/ the root of all obsession. The Nook. I got the Nook for my birthday last year and it took me a long time to get used to the idea of holding an e-reader. I’m super nerdy in the way that a book is my favorite smell, and I find comfort in the worn pages and musty smell. So, I got the Nook. I delayed buying a book, because I really felt like I was cheating on my all time favorite past time.
Buck up! Slap yourself in the face, just do it!! So I did… I can’t remember my first “Nook Book” but lets just say that it was good.. there’s rarely a book that I have mediocre feeling towards. And then a realization came over me. This is one stop shopping for the nerdy! Score! So, you read like lightening (which I actually do) and then when you’re done and you have that sad feeling in the pit of your stomach, like “man, I finished that really great book – I had a REAL connection with the characters and now it’s over”.. but WAIT! As you finish, you see the “What to read next” tab…

Light shines through the window sheers, and music of the gods start pouring into your ears and I think that might be doves flying…

Ha ha, I digress.. So I pick my next book, based on “what we think you’ll love”.. which is kinda right and kinda wrong, but who cares! I don’t have to drive myself to Barnes & Noble, or Target or HELL ON EARTH (Wal-Mart). AND what’s more? The Nook prices are less than actual book prices!!

Needless to say, since I am a fast reader, I’ve read 5 books in the past 4 days. I think that is a little craze-balls, wouldn’t you say? Only 3 of the 5 books are actually review worthy (those will come later as I’m CERTAIN that I will be re-reading them-everyone does that right?).

My DVR is totally suffering my newest obsession, ahem, I mean hobby.
More later..XO

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