Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 is here and I'm a little late. Already..

So, in an attempt to be less cliché in this new year… here are the things I want to be in 2013.

This will be the first year on record in my adult life that I am not resolving to lose weight, diet, workout, and all that jazz. I mean, yes, I do resolve to try to be as healthy as I can.. but I’m not down for putting myself down to try to make myself feel better and then set myself up for the beatdown on failure. No, I’m not stick skinny after having my baby…ahem, who’s almost two. . . some sister-in-laws are freaks of nature lucky who leave hospitals in pre-pregnancy clothes.. I digress. Anyhoodle, while I’d love to be a size 6.. I’m not. And for the first time in my life I’m OK with that. Maybe I’ve grown into my skin. Maybe I’ve grown up. Maybe I’ve stopped give a flying you-know-what about what others think about me. One of those I’m sure. Yes, there are days when I hate every single thing in my closet and curse the person who designed ALL clothes for a 12 year old Asian girl.. but lately, I’ve had more days of “hey I look cuuuuuute in this!” than I can count. That stands for something.
So, I resolve to be the best “me” I can. I will love myself. And remind myself that my darling daughter thinks I’m pretty. That my husband thinks I’m sexy. At the end of MY day, that’s what matters to me.

Next up… I NEED to resolve to be less rigid. I need to relax. Take a chill pill. Or in my husband’s words, “calm down”.. which up until this point, I’ve wanted to stab him thru the eye with a ball point pen. BUT, I’m trying to be more “go-with-the-flow-y, a little more fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-y”. We’ll see how that goes, because we all know that I live by my calendar and a schedule. But as I write this entry, I need to remember that things will work out. Trust God. Trust that when your husband says he’ll do something –he will. (that last one is going to be hard – especially without me “reminding” him)

Here’s to a new year. A not-so-new me, but at least I resolve to be more pleasant.