Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 is here and I'm a little late. Already..

So, in an attempt to be less cliché in this new year… here are the things I want to be in 2013.

This will be the first year on record in my adult life that I am not resolving to lose weight, diet, workout, and all that jazz. I mean, yes, I do resolve to try to be as healthy as I can.. but I’m not down for putting myself down to try to make myself feel better and then set myself up for the beatdown on failure. No, I’m not stick skinny after having my baby…ahem, who’s almost two. . . some sister-in-laws are freaks of nature lucky who leave hospitals in pre-pregnancy clothes.. I digress. Anyhoodle, while I’d love to be a size 6.. I’m not. And for the first time in my life I’m OK with that. Maybe I’ve grown into my skin. Maybe I’ve grown up. Maybe I’ve stopped give a flying you-know-what about what others think about me. One of those I’m sure. Yes, there are days when I hate every single thing in my closet and curse the person who designed ALL clothes for a 12 year old Asian girl.. but lately, I’ve had more days of “hey I look cuuuuuute in this!” than I can count. That stands for something.
So, I resolve to be the best “me” I can. I will love myself. And remind myself that my darling daughter thinks I’m pretty. That my husband thinks I’m sexy. At the end of MY day, that’s what matters to me.

Next up… I NEED to resolve to be less rigid. I need to relax. Take a chill pill. Or in my husband’s words, “calm down”.. which up until this point, I’ve wanted to stab him thru the eye with a ball point pen. BUT, I’m trying to be more “go-with-the-flow-y, a little more fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-y”. We’ll see how that goes, because we all know that I live by my calendar and a schedule. But as I write this entry, I need to remember that things will work out. Trust God. Trust that when your husband says he’ll do something –he will. (that last one is going to be hard – especially without me “reminding” him)

Here’s to a new year. A not-so-new me, but at least I resolve to be more pleasant.

Friday, December 14, 2012


What happened to this world we live in? In what world will a person, a civilian, ever need to have a gun that will fire over 100 rounds of ammunition in rapid succession? And to need to use that gun at an Elementary school? A place where we, as parents, are supposed to feel good about leaving our children. A place that our children can feel safe with their teachers and peers.

My heart is broken.

I am not a parent of a school-age child. But it makes me want to run, all the same, and scoop up my 20 month old and kiss her all over her sticky face. To hold her and squeeze her until she wriggles out of my grasp.

I want to cry for those parents.

The image of the terror on those young faces will forever be imbedded in my mind.

My prayers go out to the families in CT ... their lives will be forever changed.

Friday, November 23, 2012


After the Day de Bird.. I'm thankful. Thankful for so much...

An amazeballs husband who is hardworking, an awesome Daddy and an even better friend. He's handsome and sexy and funny. What he sees in me is beyond me, but I'll thank God for him a thousand times over.

A beautiful, healthy, smart and utterly charming baby girl. She's funny. She's insanely cute. She's literally the light in my eyes and the flutter in my heart. My world begins and ends with her and I'm so lucky to get to be her Mommy. I'm so thankful that God picked Ross and I to be her parents.. May we never let her down.

The best girlfriends a girl could ever ask for. They know who they are. We share laughs, hates, annoyances, wine, maternity clothes, baby advice, loves... I think sometime we should be related. I'm so thankful that they trust me and love me and treat me like I belong.

An amazing set of mothers / fathers / sisters / brothers / cousins / nieces / extended family members and so on and so forth.. My parents are the My in-laws are always incredible. What a lucky girl I am to get to spend the holidays with these folks.

Thankful. For so much.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How do you know what to do, when you want to know what to do?

Sigh... have we met? Hi, I'm Kristen and I HATE am bad at making decisions. I am horribe. Whether its what to have for dinner, what to wear that day or what car I want to buy... all things I hate doing. Why? I don't know.. maybe I'm afraid I'll regret the decision... most of the time I do (especially when it comes to my outfit choice for the day or my lunch choice for the day for that matter).

So when faced with a major decision, how am I supposed to handle this? I'm talking LIFE CHANGING, TOTALLY MAJOR here. Not brown boots with black pants type decision making.

I'm going to pray about it, that's a given. Really, my husband and God are the only people that are going to know about it. Not even you (twiddles fingers and raises a sketchy brow). But man, I'm having anxiety already and its only been one day since this proposition was brought to the table. ONE DAY. NOT EVEN 24 HOURS later and I haven't slept.

So... to the 0 people out there that follow this blog... or maybe you're coming over from another source, pray with me. The decision has to be made soon. Like soon.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Despite being sick, B was a total trooper! And actually loved her costume. (Pay no mind to the frowny brow, it comes second nature to her!)

Have I mentioned ...

That I'm in love with my side ways cross bracelet and my pink Hamsa bracelet?! Because if you didn't know, I like to take a bajillion pics of them.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Daily Dose of Cute

This little cutie had so much fun at the Pumpkin Patch!

She even picked up a date!