Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Jeans.... to skinny or not skinny

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that I am a curvy girl. Call me chunky. Call me overweight. Call me whatever you like - it is what it is and I'd be lying if I said I was completely comfortable with it. That being said, I'll never been stick thin, model worthy or a size 00. I'm not really sure that I'd want to be stick thin, but I'd settle for a nice size 6.

Anyhoodle, while I'm not a size 6 (do you really think I'll put it down on paper what I actually am? Not a chance) I do like to look good in my clothes. In fact, I do not own a scale. You're thinking - well if she owned a scale she might be closer to that size 6 - but I don't gauge my self worth by the number on a scale. I gauge it by how I feel and look in my clothes. When they start to get too tight, I tighten up in other ways. When they get too loose, I do a little dance all over my house and brag about it to anyone who will listen (You don't? You're missing out).

Its October here in North Florida... aka, the Tenth Circle of Hell... or Swamp Land, USA. Lets face it, its freaking hot here. But with October comes all of the fall decorations, Pumpkin Spice Lattes and the stores at the mall carry only sweaters, jeans and pea coats. So now is the time to buy jeans. They are on sale everywhere, and with this years hot new trends being the skinnier the better and wear red on your ass, you better believe that I am on the hunt for perfect fitting fall jeans.

So can a curvy girl wear skinny jeans? A great friend (and skinny jean wearer) told me once that skinny jeans look better on girls who have shape rather than girls who look like little boys. I have to agree with her (even if she does have a killer bod and could pull of any jean look). So I'm trying them out this fall.. and not just under boots (Please people, don't stuff your flared out jeans inside boots - we all know what's going on there) my friends. I plan to wear them out - wear them with flats, wear them with boots and with heels.

We'll see how it goes. And I'm trying not to care what anyone is judging me about in my head!

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